
What to Expect on a Sunday

All ages gather in the main fellowship hall at 10:00 a.m., dressed in casual attire.
We raise our voices together to sing spiritual songs, ranging from contemporary classics to traditional hymns, with accompaniment from keyboard and guitar.
A brother will share a brief word of exhortation and invite all believers to the remembrance of our Lord Jesus by partaking of the bread and the cup.
Gifts and offerings will be collected during a closing song. (60 mins)

A brother will share announcements, followed by congregational prayer and sharing. This time sometimes includes a personal testimony or update from a visiting missionary. (20 mins)

Children are released to their Sunday school classes, while the teens and adults remain for an expositional message from God’s Word. (40 mins)

Order of Service

Call to Worship
Congregational Singing
Lord’s Table
Prayer and Share
Children Released
Closing Benediction

Who We Are

Grace Fellowship of San Diego is an elder led assembly of Christian believers that gathers under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the intent that every member would exercise the measure of grace they have received for the mutual edification of all.


We meet together as fellow-believers in communion with God to manifest Christ and minister to one another, until He returns to gather us to Himself.


We seek to manifest Christ through the active engagement of every member functioning according to the measure of grace each one has received. This includes welcoming new believers, strengthening growing believers, and sending out ambassadors for Christ.

Statement of Faith

The following is a summary of our doctrinal beliefs. For a more in-depth version, click the button below.


The Bible is the verbally inspired Scriptures, and is the final authority. It is inerrant in the original writings, infallible and God-breathed.


There is one Triune God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – co-eternal in being, co-identical in nature, co-equal in power and glory, and having the same attributes and perfections.


Salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the substitutionary death and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious blood was shed on the cross of Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins.

The Church

The church is the Body of Christ, and all who are saved have been baptized by the Spirit into the Body. The local church is the visible expression of the invisible universal Body of Christ and consists only of the saved in Christ Jesus.


God is sovereign in His bestowal of spiritual gifts to believers, which are given for the edification of the universal and local body of Christ. Each believer has a spiritual gift that is to be exercised in service toward others.

Eternal State

All people will experience bodily resurrection, the saved to eternal life, and the unsaved to condemnation and everlasting punishment.

The Lord’s Table

We practice the weekly remembrance of the Lord’s Table with the bread and cup as symbols that testify to our Lord’s death and the promise of His return.

Plurality of Leadership

We are an elder led assembly, organized under the oversight of God-fearing men who function as elders, together with the assistance of deacons.

Active Participation

We encourage every believer to function through the exercise of their God-given spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities, for the edification of all.

Expositional Teaching

We teach God’s Word through a verse-by-verse exposition of Scripture. By this we aim to faithfully express the original intended meaning of the biblical text.

Family-Style Worship

We foster an environment where every member, young and old, is cherished and nurtured as part of God’s family, as we gather for worship, prayer, and mutual support.